Obviously the article is much longer than that paragraph summation but really, it can be packed into one sentence: It's gonna get really cold in North America and a Super Bowl prep game is providing free hot chocolate and coffee so people watching the game don't freeze to death in the 50 below wind chill! It's a long sentence, fine, but still just one sentence. I wonder though, if perhaps all the crazy weather and natural disasters we're experiencing on this continent are a direct result of the coldness and craziness in our hearts?
Are the decisions we the people are allowing in our government directly related to the decisions the King of Kings is making about the state of our country? Do these tragic moments reflect His heart as we murder babies, torture prisoners of war and walk all over marriage as He designed it? Is He showing us that all the things we think we know (like global warming and stem cell research) aren't squat to Him? Israel spent plenty of time walking away from Him throughout the Scriptures but there was always a point in which they went too far in their disobedience and disregard. Careful study of His Word will show that He always steps in, and it usually hurts.
I suspect that as we continue to move into icy territory within our hearts and minds, God is going to allow us to freeze in far more ways than we have ever imagined. Consider what will happen when our monetary systems freeze; when all the countries that we import our food from freeze their support? There are so many ways that our negligence, ignorance and down right middle-finger-flipping disobedience is going to land us in big trouble as a nation. We can't continue to disregard Him and His laws, it's that simple! It's time for a wake up call and if a nor'easter is what it takes, then let Him bring it! Perhaps He will freeze us out of our insolence.
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