We've spoken before about the Pennsylvania police officers whom were ambushed. One was injured and the other was killed. In our previous discussion, they were still uncertain as to whom they were looking for. I called him a cowardly cop killer. Apparently, he's a planned perpetrator with serious survivalist skills. Feel free to read the article here.
So, they're looking for this guy, Eric Frein, in the Poconos Mountains. There's a lot of rugged terrain, cliffs, and even wetlands in the area. Frein is a self-trained survivalist and some experts are thinking he can't handle it that long. They are saying that he'll run out of food, or that the thermal-imaging equipment will detect his presence. However, they are also admitting that he may have a bunch of homemade bunkers out there where he's stored supplies.
Obviously this guy had planned his attack and therefore the potential for him to be more prepared than they realize is great. Besides, how long are they really going to invest 100s of men searching the mountains for this guy? I know that they're cops and therefore the camaraderie and bond is great, but there are other things that need attending to as well. I suspect this Frein character, if he planned properly, might just have enough stuff to outlast their efforts given time constraints and the financial burden. However, I also anticipate that there will be bounty hunters ready to pounce on him for the reward money if not just for the notoriety.
So, where's the Spiritual tie in here? I guess I could go down a couple of avenues. I could discuss the
fact that sin will eventually be exposed no matter how hard we try to hide it and even if it's not, guess what, it leads to death. Essentially, either Frein will get caught or he'll die out there alone. I could remind you that running from our guilt doesn't erase it. It's impossible to hide from God. He doesn't need thermal imaging technology to know your location even in the deepest, darkest forest or most atrocious mosquito-infested swamp. You cannot hide from His view.
If we realize that no sin is truly hidden, then it would behoove us to get on our knees and take ownership of our faults and failures. Let Him cleanse you from those atrocities. He can make you white as snow. More importantly, He wants to. Bring your murderous deeds to His feet and watch Him heal all your hurts.
Father, help us realize that we can't sin bigger than You can forgive. Remind us that we need You and that we can't hide from You. Cleanse us and bring us to our knees when necessary. We ask these things in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Fear and Compassion Rarely Meet
People are freaking out about these potential mega-viruses, these plagues that seem to have suddenly attacked our reality. In fact, there's a ship docked in Louisiana right now that has people fearful. Apparently, it's come from Africa, in the general vicinity of the place that's experiencing an Ebola outbreak. Feel free to read the article here.
There were people on board who were sick, one of whom had to be transported off the ship prior to it even arriving in the port because the necessity for treatment was so high. This severity of illness has doctors concerned that Ebola might show up here. Of course, the CDC is saying the risk is low but they did accept this patient in their HAZMAT suits as a precautionary
I want you to realize, that fear and compassion rarely meet. I suspect that those working on this sick individual are doing their best, but I also suspect that they aren't being overly loving. They're following protocol and that's about it. Obviously, that's my assumption, but I want you to think about fear in your own life, particularly as it has pertained to other people...
If homeless people, let's say, creep you out, chances are you aren't going to actively seek an opportunity to assist them. If you're afraid of people carrying diseases like AIDs, you're probably avoiding them, not reaching out in love. You see, our fears hinder us from doing His will. What's His will? You might be asking. Well, that's simple, it's unity. He wants all things united in Christ and if you are a believer, you're supposed to be helping bring people to the Kingdom. You can't do that if you're afraid.
There are other issues within our brothers and sisters that we fear, things that they are doing that we somehow think will rub off on us. We fear drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals, etc. Why? Jesus wouldn't have. He didn't let sin, or illness, scare Him away, He didn't let fear into His life, period. Nope, He approached the despised, the outcast, and He offered them love that healed!
Listen, friends, it's high time we took Paul's, "to live is Christ and to die is gain," attitude. We'll do a lot more for the Kingdom, and push toward achieving His will, if we do. So, don't fear Ebola or any of these other things you are seeing in the news, the Scriptures tell us that they are bound to happen. Instead, look for all the opportunities He places before you each and every day. Shine the light, even to the infected. Remember, sin is a disease that leads to death too.
There were people on board who were sick, one of whom had to be transported off the ship prior to it even arriving in the port because the necessity for treatment was so high. This severity of illness has doctors concerned that Ebola might show up here. Of course, the CDC is saying the risk is low but they did accept this patient in their HAZMAT suits as a precautionary
I want you to realize, that fear and compassion rarely meet. I suspect that those working on this sick individual are doing their best, but I also suspect that they aren't being overly loving. They're following protocol and that's about it. Obviously, that's my assumption, but I want you to think about fear in your own life, particularly as it has pertained to other people...
If homeless people, let's say, creep you out, chances are you aren't going to actively seek an opportunity to assist them. If you're afraid of people carrying diseases like AIDs, you're probably avoiding them, not reaching out in love. You see, our fears hinder us from doing His will. What's His will? You might be asking. Well, that's simple, it's unity. He wants all things united in Christ and if you are a believer, you're supposed to be helping bring people to the Kingdom. You can't do that if you're afraid.
There are other issues within our brothers and sisters that we fear, things that they are doing that we somehow think will rub off on us. We fear drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals, etc. Why? Jesus wouldn't have. He didn't let sin, or illness, scare Him away, He didn't let fear into His life, period. Nope, He approached the despised, the outcast, and He offered them love that healed!
Listen, friends, it's high time we took Paul's, "to live is Christ and to die is gain," attitude. We'll do a lot more for the Kingdom, and push toward achieving His will, if we do. So, don't fear Ebola or any of these other things you are seeing in the news, the Scriptures tell us that they are bound to happen. Instead, look for all the opportunities He places before you each and every day. Shine the light, even to the infected. Remember, sin is a disease that leads to death too.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Let it Rise
So, since we are all totally focused on the stars of the American screen, it's no wonder that there's a piece on Yahoo! this morning about Ben Affleck and his upcoming movie role, Batman. He apparently has revealed a deep-seated connection to Batman's character (though the writer of the article suggested he was more closely connected to the Hulk). That connection of course, is anger.
Obviously, this link between Affleck and Batman is admired, or at least ok'ed as it's not a negative article. Though thankfully, Affleck admits it's a character flaw to let anger build until explosions are imminent and disastrous. At lease he recognizes there's a problem, but I didn't really notice any resolve to rectify it.
However, he did say, "I should sit down and say, 'Listen, I just want you to know what happened there wasn't OK,' instead of going, let it go, let it go, let it go...'Ah, that's not a big deal,' until finally you just pop!" I guess as they say, knowing is half the battle, at least he's not denying the problem exists. Perhaps that's where we can learn something...
I wonder if you'd be willing to take a deep look at your life, analyze your day, your week, your
month, your year and determine how many (even if you can't count them exactly) episodes of explosive anger you've participated in. How many times have you succumbed to that rise of rage? Which, brings me to my title: Let it Rise.
If you think I am suggesting that you should allow that explosive emotion to burst forth, to erupt from your being, you are quite wrong. Instead, the implication here is to let it rise up to your King, lift your inability to maintain peace and tranquility up to Him. Hand over those minor irritants that turn into mountainous anger. Let every ounce of imperfection within you rise up to Him; hand it over.
We are all Batman-like if that means harboring hidden anger. Sadly, most of us are unwilling to admit it and that's why we do great damage to the ones we love. We lash out at them over minutia
while denying we've got issues with our temper. Batman's a superhero, a creation of the imagination. Ben Affleck's a movie star, most of his behavior has been written down for him. What's interesting is that even in our imaginations, our heroes and stars are full of anger; surely we can't deny this is human reality. Admit you've got an issue with anger and then let it rise to the One who can enable you to fix the problem.
Obviously, this link between Affleck and Batman is admired, or at least ok'ed as it's not a negative article. Though thankfully, Affleck admits it's a character flaw to let anger build until explosions are imminent and disastrous. At lease he recognizes there's a problem, but I didn't really notice any resolve to rectify it.
However, he did say, "I should sit down and say, 'Listen, I just want you to know what happened there wasn't OK,' instead of going, let it go, let it go, let it go...'Ah, that's not a big deal,' until finally you just pop!" I guess as they say, knowing is half the battle, at least he's not denying the problem exists. Perhaps that's where we can learn something...
I wonder if you'd be willing to take a deep look at your life, analyze your day, your week, your
month, your year and determine how many (even if you can't count them exactly) episodes of explosive anger you've participated in. How many times have you succumbed to that rise of rage? Which, brings me to my title: Let it Rise.
If you think I am suggesting that you should allow that explosive emotion to burst forth, to erupt from your being, you are quite wrong. Instead, the implication here is to let it rise up to your King, lift your inability to maintain peace and tranquility up to Him. Hand over those minor irritants that turn into mountainous anger. Let every ounce of imperfection within you rise up to Him; hand it over.
We are all Batman-like if that means harboring hidden anger. Sadly, most of us are unwilling to admit it and that's why we do great damage to the ones we love. We lash out at them over minutia
while denying we've got issues with our temper. Batman's a superhero, a creation of the imagination. Ben Affleck's a movie star, most of his behavior has been written down for him. What's interesting is that even in our imaginations, our heroes and stars are full of anger; surely we can't deny this is human reality. Admit you've got an issue with anger and then let it rise to the One who can enable you to fix the problem.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Cowardly Cop Killers
Perhaps you have seen the news about the Pennsylvania police trooper that was slain after a coward ambushed he and another officer. The fallen officer leaves behind two young boys and a devastated wife. You can read the whole article here.
I am saddened by the loss of life. I am particularly saddened by the loss of a father's life because the children that are left behind without that strong moral support, without that leadership are forever deprived of the means to understand a God that calls Himself, Father. It also creates a gulf of anger and a rift between those children and the King.
I am more bothered by cowardice. You see, I believe the enemy is a coward; that's why he has to use trickery and deception and ambush to destroy. If he were certain of his own abilities, he would make his presence known and his plans clear. Instead, he has to sneak up on us and like the cowardly cop killer in this story, take aim at us from a place in the woods, securely hidden from view and before we even have the chance to defend ourselves.
I suppose the best advice here is that we should always be aware of those dark spots in our lives, those wooded areas on the peripheral. Keep your eyes open, your ears alert and be prepared to fire back!
I hope we'll all lift up prayers for the family of Cpl. Bryon Dickson, who was murdered in an act of revolting cowardice. I ask that we also pray for Trooper Alex Douglass who was shot in the ambush as well, but is expected to survive. I also hope we'll pray for bravery in the face of danger and Faith in the One who saves!
I am saddened by the loss of life. I am particularly saddened by the loss of a father's life because the children that are left behind without that strong moral support, without that leadership are forever deprived of the means to understand a God that calls Himself, Father. It also creates a gulf of anger and a rift between those children and the King.
I am more bothered by cowardice. You see, I believe the enemy is a coward; that's why he has to use trickery and deception and ambush to destroy. If he were certain of his own abilities, he would make his presence known and his plans clear. Instead, he has to sneak up on us and like the cowardly cop killer in this story, take aim at us from a place in the woods, securely hidden from view and before we even have the chance to defend ourselves.
I suppose the best advice here is that we should always be aware of those dark spots in our lives, those wooded areas on the peripheral. Keep your eyes open, your ears alert and be prepared to fire back!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Shocking New Planet Discovered!
This amuses me greatly! I am always amazed by the fact that scientists are shocked to discover what they think they know is minuscule in comparison to what is really out there. If you read this article you'll see that they believed a planet of Mega-Earth's design was wholly impossible. According to the article the planet couldn't possibly be rocky because its size would attract too much gas making it gassy like Jupiter. Obviously their theories were incorrect as Kepler-10c (Mega-Earth) is 2.3 times larger than Earth.
I read a little further in the article and discovered that this new planet, in the eyes of these scientists, opens up the possibility for other lifeforms. Really? Surely they are aware of the other entities that inhabit this earth and the atmosphere and heavenlies? No? Oh, yeah, they only believe in things they can manipulate down to numbers and visual proof (even if it's microscopic). Yes, those of you at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, there are "profound implications for the possibility for life;" it's there, you just don't see it! Read the Bible, that might clear some extraterrestrial things up for you.
I guess the kicker for me is that the Director for the Harvard Origins of Life Initiative said, "... if you can make rocks, you can make life." I suspect that's what Christ-followers have been trying to tell you guys for years. If God could speak and BANG it was, then yeah, He can make life wherever He wants. Oh, and rocks too! Not to mention coral reefs and those amoebas that you say appeared out of nowhere.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Spiritually Flabby

Perhaps the better question there is, how do we know if we are Spiritually flabby? If we are allowing the fat of the world to encompass the muscle of His Word? I suspect the answer is easier than we realize. Here's a checklist to help you ascertain your level of Spiritual flabbiness:
1. When I wake up in the morning my first thought is about God.
2. I pray throughout the day even over little things.
3. I am eager to open His Word daily.
4. I don't just attend church I worship and engage there.
5. Verses pop into my head and I find myself quoting Scripture in regular conversation.
6. I feel lost if I haven't been actively engaged with the Father each day.
Someone who answers Yes to all six of these questions is eligible for the World's Strongest Spiritual Human Award. However, if you noted some No's, then your Spiritual being is in danger of rolls, cellulose that will keep you externally warm but Spiritually cold. He's not down with that middle ground either; remember He'll vomit out those of us who test on the luke-warm level. So how do you get your Spiritual life back in optimal health? Well, just switch up the language in the checklist:
1. I will make God first on my mind when I wake up.
2. I will pray without ceasing, even over minute stuff.
3. I will open and read my Bible each day.
4. I will make church attendance more about Him and less about the social aspect.
5. I will familiarize myself with Scripture so that I can think His thoughts.
6. I won't miss an opportunity to spend time with my Savior.
As a chubby lady (I'm trying not to offend) I realize the value in physical well being; but as a follower of
Christ, it seems infinitely more important to me to be with Him. Besides, when we start letting our lives and worlds revolve around Him, the worldly pleasures (i.e. chocolate chip cookies and Reese's cups) become less important and distracting. Therefore, it's quite probable that if you'll do a lot more time lifting your Bible and doing prayer push-ups your jello might dissipate too.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Our children will be slaves
When looking for something to write about, this piece of news caught my eye. Now, the article is extremely short as I suspect it's more of a snippet about the photo found on the page, however there's one line in there that is particularly poignant. So much so that I am better off quoting it so that you get the gist, "One of the worst droughts in California history has prompted the state and federal governments to severely cut water supplies to farms and cities..." Here's the thing, I suspect a good deal of people will breeze right on past that to what the author intended as the focus, the potential for gold discovery due to depleted waterways providing access to previously too deep riverbeds. In fact, if you read the first few comments you'll find instructions on proper panning and gold claim techniques rather than utter disgust with the governmental ability to cut water supplies! Which, by the way, you'll note that farms were getting cut first; that's just moronic! Let's cut our ability to grow food but make sure the decorative fountains still work!
I wonder, pretty frequently (especially since it was my propensity toward conspiracy theorizing that
led me back to Faith), why we stand idly by and allow our government, that was supposed to be for the people, by the people, to control our every move. They are allowed to spy on us, via phone taps and website analyzing (or the like - I try to avoid getting into all the theories these days); they're forcing us to purchase health insurance or else be fined, they are creating a world in which Christian organizations/businesses must shut down in order to maintain integrity! Not that I'm complaining about the fact that we are moving closer to the return of the Savior, but I am bothered by our complacency as a nation and even more so as a body of believers. I think we waste our time arguing about movies (look at all the face-time on Facebook about Noah, God's Not Dead and the Son of God) rather than trying to fulfill our calls. Yes, we are all called, we are indeed here for a purpose and I suspect it is far greater than the Siskel and Ebert positions we are currently embracing (though these stances are tremendously safer than preaching the Gospel so that everyone hears).
I don't know about you, but I'm certainly not too keen on having my water rationed by a government I don't trust any farther than I can kick them (I played soccer, but I don't think I'd get too far with that massive conglomerate of evil). I guess I just needed to vent about how irritated I am over the control we are allowing ourselves to succumb to. I don't need a government telling me how to do anything and I certainly don't want them determining that I have used too much water to bathe my children. It just makes me want, all the more, to build a recycled home that is totally off the grid, our own well and rain water collection set-ups. Yeah, sometimes I think that's the answer, the further I can get away from control, the more I can focus on what matters (maybe). Anyway, I hope you'll consider what you're handing over to them, what you're allowing them to dictate for you because our children will really be slaves if we don't do something soon!
I wonder, pretty frequently (especially since it was my propensity toward conspiracy theorizing that
led me back to Faith), why we stand idly by and allow our government, that was supposed to be for the people, by the people, to control our every move. They are allowed to spy on us, via phone taps and website analyzing (or the like - I try to avoid getting into all the theories these days); they're forcing us to purchase health insurance or else be fined, they are creating a world in which Christian organizations/businesses must shut down in order to maintain integrity! Not that I'm complaining about the fact that we are moving closer to the return of the Savior, but I am bothered by our complacency as a nation and even more so as a body of believers. I think we waste our time arguing about movies (look at all the face-time on Facebook about Noah, God's Not Dead and the Son of God) rather than trying to fulfill our calls. Yes, we are all called, we are indeed here for a purpose and I suspect it is far greater than the Siskel and Ebert positions we are currently embracing (though these stances are tremendously safer than preaching the Gospel so that everyone hears).
I don't know about you, but I'm certainly not too keen on having my water rationed by a government I don't trust any farther than I can kick them (I played soccer, but I don't think I'd get too far with that massive conglomerate of evil). I guess I just needed to vent about how irritated I am over the control we are allowing ourselves to succumb to. I don't need a government telling me how to do anything and I certainly don't want them determining that I have used too much water to bathe my children. It just makes me want, all the more, to build a recycled home that is totally off the grid, our own well and rain water collection set-ups. Yeah, sometimes I think that's the answer, the further I can get away from control, the more I can focus on what matters (maybe). Anyway, I hope you'll consider what you're handing over to them, what you're allowing them to dictate for you because our children will really be slaves if we don't do something soon!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Death is sometimes tragic
I guess that title might throw you off a little as most people would think that the use of the word sometimes is inaccurate. I get that, but I am also looking at things from an eternal, Spiritual perspective. Yes, there are deaths that will hurt tremendously when they occur to those who are treasured in my life but a vast number of those same deaths will not be deemed, at least by me, as tragic. Maybe that shocks you, but as a Christian, and not just one who goes to church but one who really desires to follow Christ, to live more like Him and to bring Him glory, I rest in the assurance that many of those I love will only be gone for a short period of time and then when it is my time to close my eyes in what the world sees as finality, I'll open them again in eternity and be with all those who know Christ as Savior. Death is sometimes tragic and let me therefore share with you when it most assuredly is tragic. The moment a death becomes a tragedy is the moment an unsaved, non-Christian, unbeliever, atheist, agnostic, buddhist, hindu, mormon, muslim, etc dies. This is indeed tragic. It is truth that death is not the end all be all of the universe and though some of these other religions might have their own concepts of what occurs upon the moment we take our last breaths, the fact is, there's only one TRUTH and it's not interchangeable, negotiable, or any other compromising concept. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man will enter the Kingdom or see the face of God without salvation through Christ's perfect blood and sacrifice.

Maybe you're wondering why I suddenly got on some evangelical kick. Well, I'll tell you, I just read an article on the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman and while I can't say that I was a big fan, I was deeply affected by the picture in the article. I'd like you to go look at it as I don't think I can use it here (too many legalities to risk it). There's such a depth of sadness and just absolute duress in his eyes. This was a man who hurt. He was an Oscar and Academy Award winner, a Tony Award nominee and yet even those accolades could do nothing to take the misery from those beautiful blue eyes. This man was in so much emotional and spiritual pain that he'd succumbed to the demon that is heroin. They found him with the needle still in his arm, fifty bags of heroin on hand and twenty-three already empty. He must have wanted out of this world and therein lies the tragedy! The enemy, the lying deceitful enemy, the father of lies, convinced him that there was no hope here, that there was nothing worth sticking around for and when you look at Philip's eyes you can see he believed those lies. I'm not placing judgment on him, I can't say where he ended up Spiritually (though I know people that believe suicide - if indeed that's what this was - is a guaranteed Hell ride; I don't, however, agree). I always hold on to the precious hope that in his last breath he asked for forgiveness from the only One who can offer it to him. I hope that for every single human being, but I know that there are people who will not repent, who will not relent, and who will, unfortunately, burn. I so hope that Mr. Hoffman is not one of those people.
More than that, I hope that if you are reading this you will take the time to discern what your eternity holds. Death is final only in the sense that you won't live another human life on earth but it is definitely not the end of being. You will either enter His gates with thanksgiving or you will enter the everlasting fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. I hate that people have been so programmed to believe that if they think something is not real, then somehow their thinking will make it so. Heaven and Hell are real and you will really end up in one or the other. The great thing though is you are given the opportunity to choose whom you will serve. Do you desire utter darkness or would you prefer to walk in the Light as He is in the Light? It seems like a no-brainer to me but I suspect there are a lot of people out there who'd prefer to logic their way into eternity, the bad thing is, that logic won't get you anywhere good; you can't manipulate God. He set up the rules before He created mankind and His rules don't change, they don't bend and there are no exceptions or grading on the curve. Friend, if you need Jesus, if you don't have an intimate relationship with Him, if you've never surrendered the mess that is your life to Him, do it now, you never know when death will come knocking and then it might just be too late. Death is sometimes tragic, but yours doesn't have to be!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Honor the face of an old man

There are a couple of things to think about here: the number of lives lost and just what we are doing to the aged. First, this is a three story facility that was home to about 52 people, thirty-seven of whom were thought to be over the age of 85, many of whom were in wheelchairs or using walkers and dealing with Alzheimer's. Ten of them have already been declared dead, twenty-two are missing. That means that there are only twenty of them

left! It's pretty sad, for sure, but what's more sad than that, in my personal and slightly humble opinion, is that they were living in that institution in the first place. We've become a world that does not care about our unborn children or our elderly relatives. We'd rather relegate them to death before arrival, or death away from us; either way, we're killing them, it's that simple.
When I was in college, an elderly lady (in her 80's) whom I adored, ended up in a nursing home after she'd fallen and broken her hip. I prayed that she'd be able to get out and back to her old, very independent (she still drove) routine but laying in that residential facility, smelling death every day drained every ounce of gumption she had left. The sadness was palpable on her face at every visit and I desperately wished I could do something to light a fire of hope in her but it couldn't be done; the dismal nature of a home for those sent out to pasture is just too much even on the lightest, sweetest of spirits. We kill our grandparents, people! They don't have to die tragic and fiery or icy deaths, we kill them slowly as soon as we place them in a nursing home. We tell them, essentially, "You're too much of a burden for me, someone else is gonna have to deal with you."
Listen, I know that most of us aren't nurses and that we aren't perhaps physically or emotionally

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Murder- Supremely Selfish
I live in Florida, as many of you know, and so when there's a murder in a movie theater in a pretty decent area of town I have to tell you, I'm appalled. I don't personally frequent the theaters namely because they are expensive and generally the movies are full of subject matter and/or language I'm not interested in exposing myself or my family to. That said, I have many friends that do enjoy a Sunday afternoon flick. Thusly, a murder over texting and popcorn throwing has me a little bit alarmed for the sake of those I hold dear.
If you aren't familiar with the headline, the Bradenton Post put it this way: "Retired Tampa police captain accused in Wesley Chapel movie theater shooting." Please note that the
person accused of the fatal shooting is a retired cop! Let me recap the incident for you: Seventy-one year old Curtis Reeves is accused of shooting 43 year old, Chad Oulson. Reeves told Oulson to stop texting (I guess the glare from the phone was bothersome). Oulson informed Reeves that he was texting with his three year old daughter! Words were exchanged. Reeves got up and walked out, everybody assumed he went to complain to the management. After all, silence is golden in a movie theater. But, you know what's more golden? LIFE!
When Reeves came back, Oulson confronted him from across the theater wanting to know if Reeves
had told on him. At that point an eyewitness says popcorn was thrown, though he wasn't sure who threw it first. Then, according to that same witness, Reeves pulled out a gun. Oulson's wife put a hand on her husband's chest and WHAMO Reeves shot through her hand and into Oulson. He died in the hospital and her wounds aren't life threatening. So, let's consider this shall we? This 71 year old man, who was also at the theater with his wife, will now serve jail time. I assume his wife is probably in the same age bracket. He didn't consider what his action would do to her at her age. On top of that, he allowed a minor irritant to enrage him to the point he became supremely selfish.
Murder, my friends, is supremely selfish! It dictates that someone else's life is of no value. It screams: My happiness is worth more than everyone else's heart. I mean seriously, Oulson's wife and daughter are now without him, and over a cell phone and popcorn argument? What is wrong with people? Well, I can tell you: the world is a desperately wicked place, one in which it's dog eat dog, look out for number one, if I'm not happy no one else is. This is such a me oriented planet that we have lost all respect for one another, for life itself and not just for each individual person but for the expanse of people in which each individual's life comes in contact. Oulson's death is more than just his own, it's a loss to many people and Reeves, an ex-cop, should have at least had some concept of the severity of his actions. With cops like that, who needs bad guys?
We have been warned about the condition of the world and the degree in which it will morally decay. We are told: "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,"
2 Timothy 3:1-4 (ESV)- emphasis mine. Friends, these are true words, this is a real warning and all you have to do is watch a little of the five o'clock news to know that Paul was right. I hate to tell you to stay out of the theaters, and the schools and the airplanes and well, pretty much anyplace anyone else might actually be. So since that kind of paranoia is not useful, just be warned that the end is near and if you don't know Christ you'll be spending eternity with all the other bad guys who chose to reject Him too!
If you aren't familiar with the headline, the Bradenton Post put it this way: "Retired Tampa police captain accused in Wesley Chapel movie theater shooting." Please note that the
person accused of the fatal shooting is a retired cop! Let me recap the incident for you: Seventy-one year old Curtis Reeves is accused of shooting 43 year old, Chad Oulson. Reeves told Oulson to stop texting (I guess the glare from the phone was bothersome). Oulson informed Reeves that he was texting with his three year old daughter! Words were exchanged. Reeves got up and walked out, everybody assumed he went to complain to the management. After all, silence is golden in a movie theater. But, you know what's more golden? LIFE!
When Reeves came back, Oulson confronted him from across the theater wanting to know if Reeves
had told on him. At that point an eyewitness says popcorn was thrown, though he wasn't sure who threw it first. Then, according to that same witness, Reeves pulled out a gun. Oulson's wife put a hand on her husband's chest and WHAMO Reeves shot through her hand and into Oulson. He died in the hospital and her wounds aren't life threatening. So, let's consider this shall we? This 71 year old man, who was also at the theater with his wife, will now serve jail time. I assume his wife is probably in the same age bracket. He didn't consider what his action would do to her at her age. On top of that, he allowed a minor irritant to enrage him to the point he became supremely selfish.
Murder, my friends, is supremely selfish! It dictates that someone else's life is of no value. It screams: My happiness is worth more than everyone else's heart. I mean seriously, Oulson's wife and daughter are now without him, and over a cell phone and popcorn argument? What is wrong with people? Well, I can tell you: the world is a desperately wicked place, one in which it's dog eat dog, look out for number one, if I'm not happy no one else is. This is such a me oriented planet that we have lost all respect for one another, for life itself and not just for each individual person but for the expanse of people in which each individual's life comes in contact. Oulson's death is more than just his own, it's a loss to many people and Reeves, an ex-cop, should have at least had some concept of the severity of his actions. With cops like that, who needs bad guys?
We have been warned about the condition of the world and the degree in which it will morally decay. We are told: "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,"
2 Timothy 3:1-4 (ESV)- emphasis mine. Friends, these are true words, this is a real warning and all you have to do is watch a little of the five o'clock news to know that Paul was right. I hate to tell you to stay out of the theaters, and the schools and the airplanes and well, pretty much anyplace anyone else might actually be. So since that kind of paranoia is not useful, just be warned that the end is near and if you don't know Christ you'll be spending eternity with all the other bad guys who chose to reject Him too!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Products of their environment...

That said, this particular article brought to mind the verses that imply what the world will look like as we close in on the end times. Here's the one that specifically screamed in my mind as I read about this poor kid's upbringing:
"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people."
(2 Timothy 3:1-5 - ESV)

Saturday, January 4, 2014
Freeze us out of our insolence
CNN posted an article about the extreme nor'easter that's about to hit the continental United States. Apparently more than half the US will feel temperatures colder than they've felt in twenty years. I wonder what that does to the whole global warming concept? The article says that people have already died due to the unusual cold, be it in car accidents, street salt tragedies or simply freezing. It warns that things are about to get significantly worse as this air mass takes over.
I'm not gonna lie, I love the fact that I live in Florida! Especially since the article insinuates that the nearly 0 degree temperatures are going as far South as Alabama. I live in Central Florida and the low on Monday is 29! That definitely shocked me when I saw it posted on my lovely smart phone, I mean that's below freezing and I'm in Florida. So, when I saw this article it all made sense; we're getting hit too but not anywhere near what the rest of the country is about to experience.
Obviously the article is much longer than that paragraph summation but really, it can be packed into one sentence: It's gonna get really cold in North America and a Super Bowl prep game is providing free hot chocolate and coffee so people watching the game don't freeze to death in the 50 below wind chill! It's a long sentence, fine, but still just one sentence. I wonder though, if perhaps all the crazy weather and natural disasters we're experiencing on this continent are a direct result of the coldness and craziness in our hearts?
Are the decisions we the people are allowing in our government directly related to the decisions the King of Kings is making about the state of our country? Do these tragic moments reflect His heart as we murder babies, torture prisoners of war and walk all over marriage as He designed it? Is He showing us that all the things we think we know (like global warming and stem cell research) aren't squat to Him? Israel spent plenty of time walking away from Him throughout the Scriptures but there was always a point in which they went too far in their disobedience and disregard. Careful study of His Word will show that He always steps in, and it usually hurts.
I suspect that as we continue to move into icy territory within our hearts and minds, God is going to allow us to freeze in far more ways than we have ever imagined. Consider what will happen when our monetary systems freeze; when all the countries that we import our food from freeze their support? There are so many ways that our negligence, ignorance and down right middle-finger-flipping disobedience is going to land us in big trouble as a nation. We can't continue to disregard Him and His laws, it's that simple! It's time for a wake up call and if a nor'easter is what it takes, then let Him bring it! Perhaps He will freeze us out of our insolence.

Obviously the article is much longer than that paragraph summation but really, it can be packed into one sentence: It's gonna get really cold in North America and a Super Bowl prep game is providing free hot chocolate and coffee so people watching the game don't freeze to death in the 50 below wind chill! It's a long sentence, fine, but still just one sentence. I wonder though, if perhaps all the crazy weather and natural disasters we're experiencing on this continent are a direct result of the coldness and craziness in our hearts?
Are the decisions we the people are allowing in our government directly related to the decisions the King of Kings is making about the state of our country? Do these tragic moments reflect His heart as we murder babies, torture prisoners of war and walk all over marriage as He designed it? Is He showing us that all the things we think we know (like global warming and stem cell research) aren't squat to Him? Israel spent plenty of time walking away from Him throughout the Scriptures but there was always a point in which they went too far in their disobedience and disregard. Careful study of His Word will show that He always steps in, and it usually hurts.
I suspect that as we continue to move into icy territory within our hearts and minds, God is going to allow us to freeze in far more ways than we have ever imagined. Consider what will happen when our monetary systems freeze; when all the countries that we import our food from freeze their support? There are so many ways that our negligence, ignorance and down right middle-finger-flipping disobedience is going to land us in big trouble as a nation. We can't continue to disregard Him and His laws, it's that simple! It's time for a wake up call and if a nor'easter is what it takes, then let Him bring it! Perhaps He will freeze us out of our insolence.
Friday, January 3, 2014
A Can of Worms

Interestingly enough, on the same day that Andrea was murdered, the Pope made the following statement in reference to homosexuality, "Who am I to judge?" Now, a lot of people would grab hold of that and run (something like what happens at the close of the article) these same people would ignore the rest of what the Pope said, "while homosexuality is still a sin, gay people should not be marginalized." No one should be marginalized ( Merriam-Webster definition: to relegate to an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group), however loving all people, treating them as human beings (since they are) does not equate with accepting the sinful choices they have made for their lives.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014
I woke up SELFISH

I'll tell you again, I woke up selfish. I whined (picture a two
year old's voice) to my husband as we lay in bed, the baby between us,
"Why do you do this to me?" He looked at me like I had four heads and
one of them was big enough, mean enough and ugly* enough to bite his head off. Now, I was referring
to his propensity to pat, pinch and otherwise disturb our sleeping seven
month-old thereby causing him to stir and then wake. That might not be a problem
except it necessitates my rising to tend to him. See, I told you I woke up
selfish! I considered including some oh-woe-is-me statements in here too. Like,
the baby had already been up at 12:30 am and 4:00 am, but it wouldn't make me
less guilty, or less in need of repentance.

Ultimately, I ended up apologizing to
my husband and my King. I tell you this because it's so easy to wake up
self-centered, self-absorbed and selfish. Recognizing that tendency, admitting
it and striving to rectify it rather than justify it, is where the struggle
begins. So perhaps we'd be better served to take small steps towards perfection instead of
hoping for immediate change wrapped up in the pretty bow of a new year and all
the other decorative (yet,
useless) resolutions that come with it.
*When the Korean ladies at the nail salon are offering you botox, nips and tucks rather than an eyebrow wax, you've earned the title, ugly!
useless) resolutions that come with it.
*When the Korean ladies at the nail salon are offering you botox, nips and tucks rather than an eyebrow wax, you've earned the title, ugly!
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