The Syrian government has gone crazy, they are killing civilians without any consideration or contemplation, they're just killing whoever they desire, while claiming they are targeting terrorist groups within the city of Aleppo. Dr. Ammar Zakaria told CNN that there was a big massacre today, supposedly 166 died. These bad guys are using helicopters to drop barrels of explosives filled with shrapnel on innocent people and these barrels have enough strength to take out entire buildings! People are dying in the streets, not able to even make it to the hospitals in which there is no room for them anyway. The article says there are pictures of doctors trying to operate in pools of blood. Can I get your attention here, people!!!

We are sitting here cry-babying about Obama-care, Duck Dynasty and the fact it's 80 degrees in Florida rather than nice cold weather for Christmas while there are so many people being dismembered that the doctors have lost count of the amputations they are having to perform! Our Babylonian ways disgust me, I make myself want to hurl because I am more worried about whether or not my highlights are even than I am concerned with spending that money to assist a refugee in a war torn, wholly destroyed country. What's wrong with us? Why are we so blind? Why do we feign ignorance, and grab hold of stupidity?
"The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good." (Psalm 14:1~ ESV) America, Americans, we are those fools! "Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are." (Ecclesiastes 10:3~ NIV) The world knows how stupid we are and that's why they keep selling us their wares while we destroy ourselves from the inside out focusing on everything but that which matters. "For the fool speaks folly, and his heart is busy with iniquity, to practice ungodliness, to utter error concerning the LORD, to leave the craving of the hungry unsatisfied, and to deprive the thirsty of drink." (Isaiah 32:6~ ESV). We are indeed depriving those who need us, we are ignoring the hungry, the thirsty and the bombed!
I really hope you'll go read this article but here's the stuff that really accosted me:

"There was a big massacre today," Dr. Ammar Zakaria told CNN via Skype on Sunday from the country's largest city and rebel stronghold. "We were treating shrapnel wounds, deep abdominal and brain injuries. I just lost count of the amputations."...Images taken by Zakaria show a mangled ambulance stopped in its path and doctors operating in pools of blood, watching children cling to their last breath through a breathing tube."
Father, help us grow some; help us desire to do Your will, to make a difference in this world; help us stop being so self-centered and ambivalent when others are dying and in need of Your love, Your assistance, Your people! Oh Mighty King, we are terrible examples of Your Son and we need You to change who we are so that we will better represent You to those in need. Also, Father, stop the war and violence in Syria, protect Your children there. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen!
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