Teen soccer player pleads guilty in death of Utah referee
This is one of the many disturbing headlines today. Yes, a seventeen year old kid got mad at the ref,punched him in the head and killed him. Initially they thought the guy would live but then he went into a coma and died a week later. What are we teaching our children about sportsmanship? When did it become ok to just punch someone because you didn't like what that person said? Have we walked away from the negative stigma of being a sore loser?
I have to admit that I do appreciate part of this kid's punishment, "The teen will be required to have a photograph of Portillo, 46, on his wall and to write weekly letters to the referee's family to tell them of his efforts toward rehabilitation." I think that seeing the face of the man he killed, for the next three years as he spends his time in juvie will be quite the wake-up call. That said though, I have to wonder if we would appreciate the same discipline for every person we've killed?
What? You probably said, shocked that I would imply you are a murderer. However, if you've ever hated anyone, guess what? You are a MURDERER according to Jesus. Oh and by the way, if you've ever lusted after someone else you're also an ADULTERER. The sad truth is there are no good people. Not that I want to make light of what this teenager did, in fact I find it very troublesome. However, I know that my God can't look at any sin, whether it be the little white lies we tell our spouses, friends and children, or punching someone in the face with such force that death occurs. A sin is a sin is a sin.
Thankfully there is hope. That same God that can't look at our multitude of sins gave Himself for us so that those sins could be erased, tossed into the depths of the sea, thrown as far as east is from west. He wants to forgive our transgressions and invite us into fellowship with Him. He loves that seventeen year old and I pray that His love will be revealed to that young man so that when he comes out in three years, he will be a changed man.
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